By CJ and Diana Campillo

19 June 2024

CJ was going through a dark time in his life, addicted to alcohol and suffering from anxiety and depression. He was lucky enough to go to a top notch rehab facility to get the help he needed. After a 6 week rehab program in Scotland he was back on track to getting his life under control. He planned a trip to Thailand and has been staying at Rawai Muay Thai, focusing on his health, training daily and living a healthy lifestyle. After a few months training in Thailand he will travel to Vietnam and then maybe back to the camp to train in October.

Muay Thai training is not necessarily a detox activity, but it does offer a routine that is beneficial and can help you reboot your life. Surrounding yourself with people who want to be healthy is a first step. Especially after the Covid lockdowns, many people stopped exercising and adopted bad habits, overeating, drinking, doing drugs. Staying in a Muay Thai camp is a good first step to getting back in shape and developing healthy habits. The trainers and staff support you. Generally speaking, Thais are happy people. You can learn from them to be happy with less, leading a simple life, going for walks on the beach, spending time with others, playing with the kids, dining out (cheaper here) and enjoying relaxing massages, etc. Getting away from the stresses of your everyday life back home can be the answer you didn’t know you were looking for.

CJ has enjoyed his time with us and is even contemplating starting a business in Thailand and settling down here. Who knows what the future will bring?